I. The Adoration of Our Lord. When the church gathers for mutual ministry there should be the regular practice of corporate adoration and worship of the God we serve. Man's ultimate purpose is to set the Lord continually before him (Ps. 16:8).
II. The Proclamation of God's Word. Since the church exists to be a repository of divine truth, then a great deal of time must be devoted to proclaiming it. The Lord's day service has as its primary focus preaching and teaching the whole counsel of God.
III. The Edification of Christ's Church. It is not enough to simply listen to someone explain the Scriptures. We must have a vehicle through which we are regularly challenged by its commands, exhorted by its authority, encouraged by its promises, and strengthened by the power of Christ through obedience. This is accomplished by building relationships, pursuing personal godliness, and meeting for weekly Bible studies.
IV. Training and Mentoring. There must be a commitment to the development of godly men and women who are able to disciple others toward spiritual maturity in Christ. We are committed to developing the spiritual giftedness of each member of the body. It is our goal to continually encourage one another to love and good works for the edification of others (Heb. 10:24).
V. The Evangelization of the Lost. According to Matthew 28:18-20, our ultimate task is to reproduce ourselves by proclaiming Christ to every man and to bring him to the knowledge of the Savior. This involves a compassion for the lost condition of those around us, a clear communication of the gospel to them, and a persuading and pleading with all to embrace Christ.