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The following is the CCBC Statement of Faith. These are the essential truths we hold to as a body of believers and belief in them is a requirement for membership at CCBC. This is not a full summary of all that the Bible says, nor is it a complete expression of all that we teach at CCBC. To see a fuller articulation of CCBC's doctrinal convictions, please visit the What We Teach portion of this website.
1. We believe that the Bible, including both the Old and New Testaments, is the perfect and inspired Word of God; and that nothing can be added to or taken away from it, because it is the complete and final authority for Christian faith and living.
2. We believe in the unity and equality of the Trinity: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.
3. We believe that the Father is eternally God. Prominent in the Father's role in the Trinity is His will, choice, intention, purpose, pleasure, desire, and decree. It is to the Father that the Son is in submission; it is the Father Who sent the Son into the world; it is the Father to Whom the Son prayed; it is the Father to Whom the Son directs His people to pray; it is the Father Who disciplines His children; it is to the glory of the Father that Christ ministered on earth and to the glory of the Father that sinners are saved and bear the fruit of salvation.
4. We believe that Jesus Christ is eternally God; that He was physically born of a virgin; though tempted with sin, He lived a sinless life; that He was crucified and physically died on the cross of Calvary, was buried, and was bodily resurrected from the dead on the third day; and that He ascended to heaven and is coming again.
5. We believe the Holy Spirit serves to glorify Christ. He convicts the world of sin, righteousness, and judgment as He draws sinners to the Savior. He indwells believers at the moment of salvation and permanently resides within to guide them through life.
6. We believe that Satan is real. He is the defeated enemy of God and of all believers, but as the god of this world, he continues to wage spiritual warfare on all mankind. He will ultimately spend eternity in hell.
7. We believe that man was created in the image of God. We believe that man, through an act of willful disobedience, fell into sin and is separated from God, who is holy and pure. Man has no ability to mend the relationship on his own.
8. We believe that God gave His only begotten/unique Son Jesus Christ to die for our sins, thereby providing forgiveness and eternal life for all who believe in Him. This salvation cannot be lost; therefore, man can have assurance of his salvation.
9. We believe in the ordinances of baptism by immersion and the Lord's Supper as symbolic of the work of Jesus Christ.
10. We believe in the physical return of our lord Jesus Christ to this earth, in the bodily resurrection of the dead, and the ultimate accountability of everyone before God: the saved to everlasting life in heaven, and the unsaved to everlasting punishment in hell.
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